Ardennes Deluxe Bulge Battleground 1
Battleground 1: Bulge by Talonsoft is like no other historical
strategy game you've ever played! With the revolutionary Battleview
combat system, you can relive crucial moments during the Battle
of the Bulge, the most famous American land battle of WWII. Can
you hold off the advancing German war machine? Dig in with the U.S.
101st Airborne defending freedom from the Nazis at Bastogne, or
ride to victory with the legendary German King Tiger tank. Take
command of Peiper's infamous SS, or lead a blistering U.S. counterattack
to retake Stoumont!
Completely new 3-D graphics!
Revised game engine featuring strength-point losses, enhanced
unit concealment and variable AI advantage control!
Platoon level action at 250 meters per hex.
Full-feature Scenario Editor.
Play Head-to-Head via Modem-to-modem, Null modem, Play-by E-mail
or two player Hot Seat with Fog of War.
Drag-and-drop movement and combat.
Simple point and click interface.
Variable command control.
Command some or all of your forces - ideal for novices.
40 Historical scenarios, covering actions around Bastogne, Clervaux,
Stoumont, La Gleize, St. Vith and Rochefort!
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Minimum System Requirements:
Windows 3.1/95
486dx33 or faster
8MB Ram
SVGA 256 colors at 640x480
2x CD-Rom Drive
Windows compatible soundcard
Mouse, Hard drive
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